Should we fear the ‘escape mutant’ in coronavirus variant from South Africa
The mutation -- called E484K -- has been found in a variant of the coronavirus first spotted in South Africa two months ago. That...
How leading COVID-19 vaccines work
If they're positive, the company plans to apply for emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration and make the vaccine available...
The planet is “more dire and dangerous than is generally understood” warn top scientists
As part of a bleak "prognosis," a team of 17 leading scientists on Wednesday cautioned that the future of the planet is "more dire...
Oldest depiction of an animal found in a cave art in Indonesia
The world's oldest known figurative artwork has been discovered in a cave in Indonesia -- an endearing image of a warty pig.
Archaeologists working on...
China’s Sinovac vaccine trial results show to be less effective than initially claimed in...
Analysts said the efficacy rate of Sinovac's Coronavac vaccine in Brazil -- the lowest among its global competitors -- could affect international confidence in...
NASA scientist involved in Chinese government recruitment program pleads guilty
Meyya Meyyappan, 66, of Pacifica, California, was charged with one count of making false statements, according to a news release from the Department of...
Wuhan: A second delay for WHO team entering China due to failed coronavirus antibody...
IgM antibodies are among the earliest potential signs of a coronavirus infection, but could also appear in someone who has been vaccinated or previously...
Dire wolf: Ancient DNA reveals details about the inspiration for ‘Game of Thrones’ creature
Known as Canis dirus, meaning "fearsome dog," it had been thought that dire wolves were simply a beefier version of the gray wolf. However,...
A group of nearly 500 stars in the Milky Way were actually born around...
Astronomers have discovered 8,292 stellar streams in our galaxy. Rather than clusters of stars, streams form linear patterns.
Each stream is named Theia for the...
Trump administration turns deaf to NASA’s and NOAA’s warning of climate emergency
But at this point, says NASA climate scientist Kate Marvel, rankings are worthless. It's all about that horrifying trend towards a level of global...