So, what to do in the meantime, when you’ve reached the end of your bottomless Netflix queue, you’re up to date on your favorite podcasts and you’re in desperate need of a funny read?
Here are a few entertainment suggestions to get you through to those sunnier days ahead.
“The Sarah Silverman Podcast”
“How Did This Get Made?”
“Why Won’t You Date Me? With Nicole Byer”
“The New One: Painfully True Stories from a Reluctant Dad” by Mike Birbiglia
“The Best of Me” by David Sedaris
Sedaris chose a collection of favorite essays that he has written over the years. The book includes tales about shopping for rare taxidermy and his dealings with his family, a cast of characters that will make you laugh out loud.
“We Are Never Meeting in Real Life.: Essays” by Samantha Irby
This show on Amazon Prime is a hidden gem. Chelsea Peretti stars as a 39-year-old caterer with no real romantic prospects and a dream of opening a restaurant. You’ll fall in love with Peretti if you’re not already familiar with her standup.
“Up On the Roof” Sam Morril
“Pretend It’s a City” Netflix
Starring humorist Fran Lebowitz in conversation with Martin Scorsese, who also directed the series, the two break down a pre-pandemic New York and it’s a beautiful.
Birbiglia loved watching this too, telling CNN, “I think what’s so charming about [Lebowitz] is that as a new Yorker, when you’re watching her, she is sort of effortlessly and endlessly entertaining, just free associating about living in New York. And she’s making fun of New York over and over and over again. And it’s making me love New York even more.”
Leslie Jones
Jones wins the internet. The comedian has long shared her refreshingly candid opinions on current events, but her recent Zoom room critiques are especially joyous.
Someone please give her a show doing just this.
Jordan Firstman
Writer Jordan Firstman has attracted an Instagram crowd over the past year with his hilarious impressions.
A man who manages to give voice to the publicist for banana bread or the ever-controversial-herb cilantro is worth following.