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“We must reject the culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured,” Biden said shortly after taking the oath as the 46th President.
Biden pointed out that some lies are told “for power” and other lies are told “for profit.”
“Each of us has a duty and a responsibility as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders — leaders who have pledged to honor our constitution and protect our nation — to defend the truth and defeat the lies,” Biden said.
Those lies culminated in Trump’s followers storming the Capitol building on January 6 — a deadly incident of domestic terrorism that forced Congress to temporarily pause the certification of the Electoral College vote count taking place that day.
In fact, Trump waged an assault on truth unlike anything seen in modern American politics during his four years in office. With his help, lies and conspiracy theories flourished like no other time in modern memory.
Outlets such as Fox News have enabled propagandists, while hyper-partisan websites, radio hosts, and internet personalities have promoted disinformation to enrich and empower themselves.
These outlets and figures have used technology platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to amplify and spread their messages that mislead the public.